onsdag, juli 30

I am home

I have now been home for almost a whole day and it feels so great. I guess the best part of my trip was to get to see Micke. I didn't almost recognaize him at the airport, but that was mostly because I had slept around 1,5 hours in 24 hours and did not know anything about the world, and that his hair stood straight up and he was hiding behind a screen. I think I haven't been as tired as I was yesterday ever in my life. When we went out walking with Jigi, Micke had to walk both me and Jigi. It feels so good to be back home with him. It felt really unreal yesterday to be with him, more like a dream, and I tought I was dreaming many times, maybe I still am.

My flight went really well also, no big dealys, and no problems gettign ot the flights. My biggest problem was sitting beside a kid that couldn't be still, and when he tried to sleep he was just kicking me. Lovely. And I got the best cheescake ever on the plane. I was really sick of flying, so know I would like to have a break from that. I shopped something at every airport, one big, big wedding magazine in Newark and 1kg M&Ms in Copenhagen, tought we can need them for the wedding, or just eating.

Now I have had a good breakfast, without eggs, and soon we are going to some beach. Then I have a lot of washing to do, Micke had somehow forgot to wash clothes for the whole time I was gone, and I also have to wash all the clothes I had with me, since it was so humid there. A lot of fun. But here I get to kiss Micke as much as I want, so I don't really care about anything else.

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