On Wednesday evening I came home from body aerobics at around 8 and me and Micke had some salad, whitevine and choclate and discussed the wedding. It was the first real time we made some serious plans. It was so so nice!
We started by counting guests and the guestlist is around 70-80 persons, then we went to the budget and so on. Then we somehow started talking about not getting married in the summer because it's more stressfull and then you can't work so much, and what's the idea with a honeymoon in paradise when it's summer in Finland?!? And all the stress about finding the perfect summer place, when in the winter it does not really matter what the outside looks like, and then you can have a lot of candels in the winter..
Then it was the big question of when? A difficult question since we probably won't have enough money for it before we have finnished our studies, and we don't want to wait so long. So in the end the deciosion was quite easy, especially when we looked up the date in the calender. It was quite late when we sort of decided this, so the next morning I called the church and the party place and both of them are now booked. And it is going to be in Pojo, my homechurch (have lived most of my life in Pojo, even if iI wasn't born there). And it is going to happen earlier than planned...
One night before sleeping we were discussing that it does not really feel that special to get married. Before, when I was not, and somebody said they were getting married I saw it as such a big decision and such a big change and as something really big. But now being in the same situation it is not so big, it just feels so natural. Of course there are times when I wonder how it all will work since me and Micke are quite different, but the times that I am so sure and so happy with him are so so many more. And is there a point waiting 10 years just to see if you are the right ones for each other? I see the marriage as a promise to try and do all you can to be happy together, and that is excactly what I will do. And I have somehow known after meeting Micke only 3 times that he is the best thing that ever has happened to me. I just love him so much!
Micke eating my salad and some really good heart chocolate
The glasses in photo one is a engagement present form Mixu and the choclate was from a really nice person that knows that we love choclate (we got to similar ones and can't remeber who gave what)
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