tisdag, december 30

I want so, so much

As you have read from previous posts, I am not so satisfied with what I am studying. Economics is okay but it is just too inhuman or something similar to me. I will this spring get my bachelor degree, and after that I can go somewhere else and take a masters degree.

I would really, really love to do a master in development studies. So now I am trying to get all the papers needed for this, so that I have a chance to get in to Uppsala or Lund (in Sweden) to study a master in development studies next fall. I really hope I get in, because I know that development studies is something I am really into. But I need a lot of papers. The deadline for applying is the 15.1 and I should have my bachelor degree already, and send in my bachelor thesis (whish I have not really started writing yet) then, but with a lot more papers I still have a chance.

I want it.

I have been a great soon to be wife today. I made a "radiokaka" for Micke (he has been asking for one for a long time), I agreed to invite the missing guest and I made pizza. Tomorrow it is new years eve. We are spending it with friends in Tölö. (helsinki)

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