måndag, april 20

How we got from dating couple to, hopefully, parents

Decided to write it down since it is quite weird how people change, and since my mom has a weird point of view on this whole thing.

Me and Micke met soon 4 years ago. In August we have been a couple for 4 years. 4 years ago I never had children in my plans, they weren't just relevant. Made plans for when to get married and so on, but had never toughts of children in those plans. From younger I knew that I wanted children when I was still young, but they were in no plans. Had also come to the conclusion that children are expensive and difficult, and that I most probably did not want them at all.

Micke always knew he wanted kids. I remember especially one discussion we had, when I said I did not want kids since then I would not get all of Micke's attention.

But then someway along the road my opinion changed. Remember one talk with my mom where I said I wanted kids while still studying. And last christmas in Ecuador I knew now would be the time, Tomas (loren and Galos kid) was so the cutest. Remember suggesting to Micke that let's try (which was a tought that came from nowhere, had not tought of it before). He told me to wait a year, he was not ready yet. And that is something I think is so important to respect. To just get pregnant and make the guy live with it is not nice. And for Micke it was also important to be married first, and then get children.

Even if I suggested it, I have not once tought of the consecuences, just felt it in my body, that now would be a good time, could not think about it rationally. Don't really know how it got here.

Then in december Micke said, yes, we can try. Here you also have to know that I tought it would be megadifficult to get pregnant, and the sooner we started trying the faster we would get help. Quite suprising it worked on the first try. And as we said, if it happens before the wedding (which meant I could not go diving on the honeymoon) it was meant to happen. So I believe in that. This will hopefully be the next best thing that happened to me, after meeting Micke.

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