When we got in to the room and she put the gel and thing on my stomach and said there is the heartsound, that's when I was able to relax. I think the baby had been awake and lively before we started, so in the ultrasound situation it was sleeping. This time it was really hard for us to see exactly what was what and what was happening. Probably because it had the head down and feet up. The heart, kidneys and everything else looked like it should look. And yesterday was day 20+3, but the size of the baby was equal to 21+1. So we are going to get a huge baby, but that we already knew. From Micke and me no small babies can come...
The babies home is in front of my stomach, so that also explains why I have not felt real, hard kicks yet. I can feel something moving around so to say, but not what I think a real kick should feel like. But this is normal since when the home is in the front, it sort of makes the kicks softer (if I now understood it correctly).
Otherwise yesterday was great. Not maybe econimically, but for mine and Mickes relationship. We spent the whole day in the center. First for a salad lunch, then to look at baby clothes and other baby stuff (bought a pyjama again, guess our baby will have to sleep a lot), then for coffee with Micke's friend Pedu, then to watch angel and demons (recommend it), then for hamburger dinner (for me, salad for healthy mike who ate a lot of candies at the movie) and then home where we got our baby car seat.
The babies second pyjama.
Even if we don't have a car, we will probably need a car seat for the baby, latest when we get home from the hospital, since I am not going to take the bus then. And then we might need it if we go somewhere with someone elses car. We found this on huuto.net, and payed 11 euros for it (it is used before, but not so much). Just have to wash to pieces and it will be like a new on.
We also asked the sex and she said what she tought, but the weird thing is that it didn't matter. First we were both very curious to know, but now that we know it is the same. Just happy everything looked good!
3 kommentarer:
Men ! Du måste ju berätta om det är en pojke eller flicka :) jag blir så nyfiken.
ok ok, jeg tror at der er pojke for foto av pijama, ikke sant Michaela?
It will be kept a blog secret for just a while longer...
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