lördag, juli 26

Sweaty hotel searching

Now me and Alex are in Jaco, by the pacific coast in Costa Rica. This morning we jumped on the bus at 7, were here at 10, found our hotel at 1. And it was hot, sweaty and horrible. The problem was that all the nicer hotels are booked between saturday and sunday, and we wanted to stay in the same one.
The perfect one that we found had only space for one night. In the end we decided to stay in the perfect one for 1 night, and in a really expensive, ugly, not as nice best wetern the second night.(150dollars) But this hotel is worth the trouble. It is just so personal, and lovely and we have a kitchen and all the details are perfect and it is right by the beach and it has a cute little pool. I will put pictures later. And this one was 85 dollars. For two.

Soon the rain will start. And I need a nap.

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