söndag, mars 29

I'm lovin it!

After a long (not really) day at work, Micke picked me up and we went by the fastfood chain to buy food and then we had such a chill evening (max 1,5 h since then I got too tired)... It was so great between us. So happy that he is my husband and that I don't have a wedding to plan anymore. Just thank you cards, but that will take time...

When buying food I did not want fries, but when I tried Mickes I loved them, so I got almost all of them in exchange for half the upper part of my big mac and 1,5 nuggets... Nice exchanging food. We are so healty!

Did not become a millionair

I tought we would. Now I am down.

lördag, mars 28


The weather has been really nice in Helsinki the last week, sunny and cold. Today there is of course no sun, but it does not really matter since I am working.

Me before the stand up in an Irish bar. I look quite horrible in this picture...

Pedu was also there...

..and Lee. Mine and Mickes best friends. It was really nice being with them. I had a lot of fun!

Micke and Pedus highlight of the evening. A photo with, at least Mickes, long time idol. Micke was really happy with his birthday present. Yeah. I'm good!

Today I have alreay been out with Jigi, eaten one breakfast, taken a shower and now I am washing clothes. Micke is working already. He is such a good husband!

torsdag, mars 26


Soon time for stand-up.

Last 2 days have been qute productive. Have spent a lot of money, ordered new passport, driver license, bank cards, walked in pretty Helsinki, walked with Jigi, eaten, driven mom to the airport at 5, called DNA cause she forgot her pin code, 3 times... Yes. And now the highlight of the week. Stand-up.

tisdag, mars 24

Shorter hair

I cut my hair yesterday. It looks weird but is not as bad as my last spring's hair, and it is really light.

I am so excited for spring, I want the sun to shine every day, and just go for long nice walks.

Soon I am going to the dentist, and later to the airport, doing a shift there today. That's good, since I am quite bored at home and don't have much to do, only make my presentation.

söndag, mars 22

My minor

Happpy, happy, happy me!!! I passed the last exam in development studies, the weird one, got a 2 out of 5, so really bad, but I passed it. So now I have my minor in a package. So happy, happy, happy. Now I just need this bachelor course passed, and I am done with Hanken (I hope, not sure, but hope so). I so hope I get a studyright in Uppsala, to development studies. Would so like that. Will now the 5.5.

This morning when I went out with Jigi, I fell on the ice really hard, so now my back is hurting. Aj. But this made me happier. Only 1 exam more, 1 presentation, 1 opposition and 1 final paper. That's all the programme for my spring/summer. Have still not found a summer job. Great!

My life will soon again start

Soon I am sending in my first version. I have not worked particularly hard with it, it has just been the stress of getting it done. And of course I wanted it to be as nice as possible, since there will be opponents crashing it down, but now I have realised that better this way, now they have more to comment and I don't have to figure it out all by myself.

The last years of my shool before this (gymnasium) I worked so much harder. During the weekend in Pojo I found 10 paged papers, written on every row, with small margins, now I wrote 20 pages with rowdistance 1,5 and 3cm margins. So it is the same, or less. And I also found an old paper about Ecuador and it was 16 pages on every row. Crazy. I was so much more motivated there.

The weekend in Pojo was great. We went for walks with Jigi in the sun, ate a lot, had many good (and bad) discussions, I had my mom to read my bachelorthing (she said it was really boring and that I just repeat myself. Probably I do) and we went to see Bride Wars yesterday. It was entertaining, but a bit ennoying in the end. Just because you fight once or twice doesn't mean you should not get married and that you will fight the rest of your lives.

Now I am waiting for Micke to come home, he is working and he forgot his phone home, want to talk to him. I forgot mine last Thuesday. It is horrible not having the phone.

Next week I am going to do things, but I need money. I need to get a new passport and a drivers licens (with my new name), take photos for them. It will probably be around 100 euros. Expensive to change name. But we wanted to have the same last name (and I don't like double names and it would be weird for Micke to have the same name as my brother). And then I need to buy clothes and on Thursday we are going for stand up. And Jigi is coming on Wednesday and we get the car and then we go to Ikea to shop, and eat meatballs. Yei.

No pictuer this time either. Sorry.

fredag, mars 20

Still alive


I have been focusing on writing, have to be done on Sunday, but I am soon done. This is just the first version, will probably have to change a lot still, so no panic. I am just fighting with the conclusion...

Micke is now 26, he turned on Wednesday. I gave him tickets to Pablo Francisco and a Ben and Jerry cookie dough, and a nice shripfetacesar salad.

Now I am going to Pojo to relax with my mom and Jigi. Bye, bye.

måndag, mars 16

My cute Micky

Micke is so cute sometimes.

He just called me and said he had some good news. I was expecting something big, and then he says:

I love you.

I guess that is big and good, but not maybe what I expected.

söndag, mars 15

Ingredients for a happy marriage

There has been some research done on how to stay happily married, and most of them fit in on us, so now we will be happily married forever:

- 2 years and 3 months age difference ( we have 2 years 6 months, but Micke should have been 31 when we married, so not perfect)
- hugs and kisses every day (absolutely, many times a day)
- say " I love you" once a day (we so do, much, much more)
- a romantic evening 2 a month (we have them sometimes)
- get married after 3,5 year togehter (exactly what we did)
- coach hugging at least 3 times a week
- call each other at least 3 times a day (we talk a lot during the day)
- 2-3 hobbies you share
- some alone time and own hobbies (Micke has the computer and I have something)

I found the article here (it is in Finnish)

Yeah. Now nothing can go wrong

lördag, mars 14

1 month ago

Yei. Today we have been married for a month. There have been shorter marriages.

Yesterday I worked, today I work and tomorrow I write. Hopefully. Took some job so I become more stressed and more motivated to write, and also because we need the money. Micke also worked yesterday and today. Money, money, money...

I saw some of our official wedding pictures yesterday, taken by Nina Ahtola, and they were so great. I love them.

onsdag, mars 11

Not striving high anymore

In the lower grades and in high school (or whatever gymnasium is called) I always strived for the best notes and just passing was never good enough. But now the situation is totally different. Since I started universty my biggest wish is just to pass the courses and I don't really care about the grade. And that is weird. But I have an explanation to it. I am not doing what I really enjoy and what I am passionate about. Because the courses I enjoy, I really try hard in them, and normally I get a good grade. But my grades in economics, my mayor, are crap.

I remember how I reasoned when I took economics as a mayor, it was mathematical, a good base in life, and something that would not be that simple, something I would have to work for. Sort of regret it now. Should have taken something simpler, something I actually can use, something so that I would have learnt to do something, such as accounting maybe.

When I am tired of something and unmotivated I just set my limit at passing, I just did that for my bachelor thing. Not smart. Should strive for better.

söndag, mars 8


My day rhytm is totally wrong, yesterday I fell asleep the first time at 6.30, but went finally to bed at 9, the day before at 8. And then I wake up around 6-7. Fun.

Our honeymoon was great. I was, for the first time in a long time, a bit sick during the trip. One day with high fever, and the last week with stomach problems. Then I also had problems with the sun, some places of my body could just not stand the sun and it was just itching.

But the island and the Maldives are perfect, like a true paradise. Totally. We had all inclusive so we could eat and drink as much as we wanted. The food was good and the resturants great, and in our part of the island, where our villa was, it was really calm and not much people at all.

Except swimming, reading books, lying in the sun, eating, sleeping and drinking we also did some great trips. The sealife is wonderful even if a lot of the coral was destroyed during the el nino years in the end of the 90s, but the fish. Wau. On our island there were baby sharks and turtles just around the island, and there was a great house reef with fishes in every color. We also did 2 other snorkling trips. On one of them we got the opportunity to swim with Manta rays, around 5-6 of them. And it was incredible. They came against us with their open mouth and then just turned close to us.

Another excelent trip was out fishing trip, Micke got the most fish. When the sun went down the fish started eating, I was not so good at fishing, suprise, but the guide got one for me. The next day the restaurant prepared our fish so we got to eat it. Free of charge.

Then we also went to the Spa, for a honeymoon indulgence treatment. It was perfect. First foot massage, then whole body massage, for me a balinese massage, then body wraps and in the end with a tropical coctail in a jacuzzi filled with flowers outside at a terrace over the water watching the sun go down. So perfect.

For a half day we also went to an empty sandbank, no other people, no contact to other people and just were for ourselves.

Yes, this is my short update on the honeymoon.

onsdag, mars 4

Honeymoon pictures.

Pictures and explanations of our honeymoon can be found here and here

tisdag, mars 3

Great news!!!

We all get 1 more week for handing in the bachelor paper. Wau. So great news. So good. But I still have to focus and work hard, today I borrowed a lot of books on econometrics. The new deadline is 22.3.

And I changed my name in Hanken. I am now Michaela Lönnblad, even got a Kela card on that today.

Will maybe later give a short honeymoon report, we did so much but still nothing. The weather was perfect, perfect. I was not great all the time, problems with the stomach and the sun (could not be so much in the sun as I wanted). And the flight was long, long, long.


Bye, bye paradise. I am not that fat, just standing in a weird position with air under my blouse. Okay, maybe I am a bit fatter, but we had this all inclusive programme so we ate buffet food 3 times a day, and it was never only 1 plate.

Manta Ray. We swam with them. That was one of the highlights. They came really close with their big mouth open and then they just turned. It was amazing. (And Jade, according to Micke Manta rays can't sting, so maybe it was a sting ray that attacked you in Ecuador)

The most important things, water, croco and "nappar". And our sunbed in the shade.

First real day in paradise.

I walked barefoot for 12 days.

We are back

Tired, not able to sleep, it was just paradise. Loved it. Love Micke.