onsdag, mars 11

Not striving high anymore

In the lower grades and in high school (or whatever gymnasium is called) I always strived for the best notes and just passing was never good enough. But now the situation is totally different. Since I started universty my biggest wish is just to pass the courses and I don't really care about the grade. And that is weird. But I have an explanation to it. I am not doing what I really enjoy and what I am passionate about. Because the courses I enjoy, I really try hard in them, and normally I get a good grade. But my grades in economics, my mayor, are crap.

I remember how I reasoned when I took economics as a mayor, it was mathematical, a good base in life, and something that would not be that simple, something I would have to work for. Sort of regret it now. Should have taken something simpler, something I actually can use, something so that I would have learnt to do something, such as accounting maybe.

When I am tired of something and unmotivated I just set my limit at passing, I just did that for my bachelor thing. Not smart. Should strive for better.

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