fredag, oktober 31

Wedding nightmare

I had this night again a lovely night mare about the wedding, and I am not even stressing about it. Read one day that dreams are unecessary for us, but in the past it helped people prepare for difficult, dangerous situations. Sounds true.
I dreamt that we were on the way to the wedding in a train and that only 11 people had signed up, but the train was full of people coming to our wedding and I was angry about that. We had not done any menues, program papers or anything and I was freaking out. I wanted to postpone the wedding. Then there was also a part when Dagny and Lees dresses would arrive for another ocacion much later and have nothing to wear for the wedding. Weird, weird dreams.

But hopefully this helps me prepare for the wedding.

torsdag, oktober 30

Hair and flowers

By the way, I booked time for fixing my wedding hair. I will go do it already at 9.00 on our wedding day. Probably good, but then I will have to run around in my veil the whole day. Luckily I didn't make it so long.
Lotta, from Hårsmedjan in Karis is doing it. She also made my hair for the graduation from high shool (studentdimission, whatever.) and I really liked it, but I don't want it so perfect this time. I will take the flowers from her mom, she has her shop right on the side. Orchids. Love them.
I have just decided to trust in people's professionality, so I am not doing any test runs. It is just extra stress for me.

onsdag, oktober 29

Wedding things

Today we ordered some stuff for the wedding from "now and forever". The only bad thing with the site is that you have to pay 11 euros to get it home to you, so it is not really worth ordering something that costs 2 euros, so we ordered as much as possible. So it cost like 110 euros.
This color we will have with the food.

This will be for the coffee, with old rosa as a color on the text. Both the napkins will have our name and the date printed. It cost 12 euros to print them each, so 24 for both. I would have been okay without, but Micke wanted them, and since Micke doesn't want so much, he could have this. This time.

Heartshaped rice witch will not affect birds and will melt away. Not really practical to have anything else, since it is hopefully winter then.

This is good for making cards.

Still wondering where we are going to get money for everything. Luckily I got a lot of work for november, and 2 sundays, which hopefully will give me close to 800 euros.

The reason why our colors are silver and light pink is because it is valentines day (and I don't like red) and they are quite sofisticated together, but still cute, and warm and romantic. So, perfect colors.

The reason why the bridesmades probably will have black dresses is because it is the easiest to find, the cheapest (as you have noticed, we are, I am, poor, so they are buying it themselves) and it will go perfectly together with the bestmen's black suits. Then there will probably be some silver or pink details. And for a winter wedding I don't see anything wrong wiht black dresses.


These could maybe be the dresses for Dagny and Lee at our wedding. It would be the black one, but the brown one is better to see the details. You can take away the straps.

Kung-fu panda

Yesterday evning after work we had such a lovely evening with Micke. We watched Kung-fu panda and ate chocolate-nougat icecream (so, so, so good). Kung fu panda is a nice movie, witch tells you to believe in yourself; there is no secret ingredient.

I once read a study that if you eat a lot of fat, and little proteins for lunch, later in the day you will feel like eating a lot of unhealty stuff. I ate pizza yesterday for lunch, and icecream in the evening. I guess there is some truth in the study.

tisdag, oktober 28

Healthy morning

I am eating after eight chocolate mints, drinking morning coffee and trying to finnish the project from hell, in other words an impossible assignment in econometrics. Have to leave for work in 2 hours and it has to be done before that. I break.

söndag, oktober 26

fredag, oktober 24

Home alone with Jigi

Friday today. Fall wheather, very windy. Came just in from a walk with Jigi. Micke is with some friends at another friends place, I am home with Jigi. Semi-bored.

I have a really stupid shool assignment I should do on, since I work tomorrow, Sunday and Tuesday and I have to hand it in on Tuesday. I have done nothing on it today.

The cake I made yesterday was okay, but the creamy part was not firm enough, not so nice.

Today we were in Ikea with Micke. We have the car for 3 days since my mom went to Rovaniemi (drove her to the airport at 6 in the morning). In Ikea we bought candles and the pink box.
Then we went to Jumbo and Flamingo, nothing speical there. I was on an interval middle body training. Enjoy working out. I feel better and happier and more patient now.

Proof of my patience:
I put Jigis food on the floor. She sat down on one side of it, then she laid down. I sat down to get here to eat (she is a bit problematic). Then we both sat/laid on the floor and looked at the food. Nothing happened. ( I did not scream or anything). Then I took, with my hand, one of the dogdryfood that had been in water and tried to give it to her, she just mmmrrrr, mrrrrr, but I got it in and she did not spit it out. So I tried again. After 4 times so stopped mrrr, mrr. Later I got even 4 of them in her mouth. In the end I fed her the whole fucking dogfood with my hand just because the dogprincess decided she wants to be problematic and not eat (and I was not going to throw awy expensive food) and that my hand is better to eat form than the IKEA cup she has.
Jigi got a rat from Ikea today. En råtta för en rotta (rottweiler). My mom forogt all her fun things, as her bed and her toys.

That's that.

torsdag, oktober 23

Interesting behaviour

Micke has now 5 days of no school. Lucky him, no plans, nothing to do, just relax. Great for him.
We are soon going to celebrate my mom. And Micke had somehow missed that my brother and his girlfriend would also come. When the light turned on and he counted that there were 5 plates and not 3, he rushed to shave himself and put other clothes than blue broken pants and orange top.
I guess my brother and his girlfriend are more important than my mom and Jigi...

I love him.

Jigi will be here until Sunday.

After 8 cheesecake

After a tough day working on impossible econometrics assignments I rushed home to make a birthday cake for my mom. She turns 53 today. I, or Micke actually helped, so we, made a after eight cheesecake, and the filling was so, so good. I found it here.

My brother and his girlfriend is also coming to eat some cake.

onsdag, oktober 22

Wednesday afternoon

This is what I have done today:

Eaten Cesar salad in the sofa watching " how I met your mother". Soo good!

Played with our wedding invitations, bought stuf for the cards for 50 euros today and candles for 20. Now the cards' desgn is ready. And I really, really like it. After we have started to hand them out (will try to save on posting costs) I will show what they look like and how we made them. But you can already see the colors.


I am really disappointed with the situation between the dollar and the euro. I don't think it should be allowed to drop so much. In July up to 1 euro= 1,6 dollars and now 1 euro= 1,28 dollars. We are supposed to pay the other half of our superexpensive honeymoon in dollars. And this makes it much more expensive. If it before was 1875 it could now be 2400 euros. And I can't really do anything about it. Stupid!!! Somebody want to give me money?


I survived the exam, but it did not go well. There was 4 questions. The 3 first went ok. But then the last, impossible. We had not had it on the lectures and since I only read the lecture notes, I had no clue about it. It ended in me writing that I can't see how it fit the course. Now I feel stupid. If I am lucky I pass, but it is not sure at all.

Now I should focus on some econometric assignments. I hate conometrics and I don't have a book and our teacher/instructer whatever did not teach us anythign about it. Hate.

I jsut want to have nothing, no stress and so on. There is always something on my mind, somethign I should do, it's neer over.

tisdag, oktober 21


Panic studying for an exam is so the worst form of learning something, sicne the result is that you learn nothing. I am so unprepared for tomorrows exam, I am just hoping for easy questions. Please! I really don't want to study for this exam again. Don't want. No.

Now I am going to a body class to get out all my negative energy. Yesterday I did interval. Like working out. Feels good. It is raining. I want to do wedding... Be on the Maldives.


Yeah. New gossip girl. Great reason to have a break in my exam studying. I am having an exam tomorrow in the very interesting subject "economics of organisation and information". Since the book is deadboring (from 1992- I was 7 then!) I am trying to pass the exam with only studying lecture notes. It is going to go so great. My Hanken motivation is just equal to 0. But I don't really care what note I get, if I just pass.

söndag, oktober 19


Nobody brought me icecream. So I made flan. Bought it in Costa Rica, don't have it in Finland. I was bored so I ate it all, it was meant for 4 portoins. I am good. It was not as good as in Ecuador since I used fat free milk.
Have watshed CSI. Been braindead. Tomorrow I have to study a lot. Yes.

Party, work, party - now tired!

I am dead tired. Got to bed at 5.30. But have had so much fun, so much!!!
Yesterday we ate raclettes (cheeses filled with stuff) at Linas place and watched Big Brother (such a headless programme) Then we went to Molly's and Micke, Pedu, Kimmen were also at Molly's (not planned) They had had a boys night and we a girls night. It was good we met them, otherwise I would have had to go home earlier since I would not have tought of nightbuses. Now we were out until the light sign came. Has not happened ever with Micke. Micke always wanted to go home earlier in the beginning of our realtionship and now I always have something the next day, or I am tired. Now it is just studying for exams. Which I have not done.

I also worked yesterday. On Friday we had a suprise party for Jari. Also great, great! And then we were to Apollo and it was fun. Micke wanted to dance bug and fusku but he didn't really get that you can't dance it to all the music. We drank a lot of sparkling wine. Some pictures from Friday.

I want icecream. Home, to the door. Can someone bring some? Please.

onsdag, oktober 15

Meatballs and minisausages

Finally we finished all the meatballs and minisausages Micke had bought for Saturday. I feel like a meatball. But I made some good owenbaked potatopieces with timjam. Mmm, so good!

tisdag, oktober 14

4 months

Today it is exactly 4 months to the wedding. We sort of celebrated it yesterday by eating a whole package of Ben&Jerry cookie dough. Nam.

måndag, oktober 13

Veil making

My veil making is going perfectly. Except the satinribbon I was putting around it run out, so have to wait until tomorrow to get more. I think it will be nice, but hard to say. At least it will be cheaper than buying one. If I would ahve been smarter I would have only bought 1 meter, now I bought 2 so it cost 6,90 more. I guess the total cost of used materials will be around 20 euros. And that is so much better than 100.

It is not really so ahrd to make a veil, not at all.


I think I want a veil, or I know I want one. Today I bought the fabric and I am going to make it myslef. That is going to be an interesting project. I haven't done any sort of fabric thing for many, many, many years.

No krabbis anymore.

Now I feel better than yesterday and now I really ahve to study, have had a 5 days break in studying. Stupid me.

My pillow is really, really good. I sleep so well with it.

Yesterday we watshed a lot of CSI and just had a great, great day. I made some photobooks on the If pages. Ate pizza and planned our wedding invitation cards. Micke has not played any WoW during this week, and it has been great. We have been really great. We also planned the cards together.

They are almost planned, now we just have to find a good printer and we can start making them. Yeah. Will send/ give them in late November.

söndag, oktober 12


My head is hurting, my mouth is dry and I am tired but can not sleep. I don not want to drink alcohol ever again. I mixed too many things. Stupid me.
We were at our place, and ate some metballs, sausages and so on on sticks and also some chocolate fondou. And drank. And played cards. I feel dead...

lördag, oktober 11

Dancing time

Dancing. Yesterday we dancesd jivi ( no idea how it is spellt) for 2,5 hours. Sweaty business. But fun. A lot of fun. Today we contined and danced bugg, fusku and jive for 3,5 hours. It is so much fun when things just work, and your body knows what to do.

Yesterday I went to wedding and love fair. It was okay, not so much info. If I would have needed a ring it would have been great. Or dress.

At the same place there was a health and well being fair, and also beauty. I bought a pillow for 92 euros. Pillows are really important for me. If they are bad I can't sleep. It is a tempur pillow, and the tempur material is really special. I want a tempur bed in the future, but they are so expensive. But I really, really want one. Micke is so heavy ( I am light as a bird...) so we just fall into the middle of the bed and sleep on each other.

Now we are having a stickparty, or something, in our home. Have to prepare.

torsdag, oktober 9

So exctied about honeymoon

I am so excited for our honeymoon. I could go now. Clear blue water, a villa on the beach, a lot of good food, just relaxation. SO, so waiting.
More exctied about the honeymoon than the wedding...

The problem with the wedding is that there is jsut so much to do, and soon only 4 months left. And the biggest rpoblem is that I don't know what I want, and everything is okay for Micke. So in other words I have to decide what I want. And I don't really care, but if I have to make a deciosin I want to make the best one. It would just be so nice if someone else would do and decide everything for us and we would just have to attend.
We all have the big things decided and booked: band, photographer, catering, mine and Mickes clothes, rings, church, party place and so on, and of course the honeymoon. Luna de miel.

But problems as: what prgram should there be? what should invitations look like? what kind of music and how to play it when band is not there? How do I want my hair? what sorts of things in it? What taste should the cake be? Should we buy a chocolate fontain? What to dip in it? What name to take? Where to get the money? What music in the church? Who can sing? I want someone to sing somethign nice... Who to invite? Flowers?

Planning a wedding is not easy, espacially since I am the first one of my friends and since I have attended one wedding when I was 10, and one romanian-finnish one in Romania. So I don't really have to basis for it. GO crazy.

There is a wedding fair this week in Helsinki, I will go there tomorrow and not leave before I have an answer to all my questions.

Shitty morning.

Yesterday I was at work. It was ok. Today I got up early at 6.45, a bit tired. At 7.50 I left the house to take the train to school. I had an interesting class to attend (and I think that if I attend the classes I don't ahve to study so much for the exam). There were a lot of people at the train station. Because many trains had not come at all. The train was small. I got in to the train. Then we went 50 meters. Then the train stopped. Then we waited 30 minutes. It was hot and awful. Then the train started going to wrong way and back to my station. I got off and came home. I would ahve been so late so no point in going anymore. Now I am just worried for Micke since the buses are packed since no trains are going. Some technical problem. Lovely, lovely.

tisdag, oktober 7

Gossip Girl. Not.

I was really excited today when I found season 2, episode 6 of Gossip Girl today, I am really into that show. I was exctied to watsh and I started it, the first thing I saw was bad quality and a female ass. It looked weird. Next I saw the female with a dick, and then a male with a dick. Really weird entertainment. Then we deleted it. Not good.

måndag, oktober 6

Love dogs. And Micke.

Today when I got home from school I found these dogs in really cute positions. Micke had gone to a friend (he didn't have any shool today) and then he had left the house in perfect condition. Love it. Love him. Love suprises.

söndag, oktober 5

Fabulous fall in Finland

We live in Helsinki, the capital of Finland, but this place is 2 minutes form our home.Horses you know.

Look at the great colours!

Micke wants to become a traffic sign.

We on a nice Saturday walk. Then we met some ducks.

Micke is this happy to get married to me.

Our Saturday evening. Had a lot of fun.

lördag, oktober 4

Food fight

We had Euroshopper pyttipanna (potato and sausages) all over our kitchen and living room. I was going to prepare some lunch, and made some suck, pust, stonkh sounds because Micke was again playin world of warcraft. I had just taken out our frozen food (saving money, eating old stuff) and Micke came to the kitchen and wanted to put the freezing stuff on me (he thinks it's so funny when I scream and think its cold). I put up a good fight, but in the end Micke got the bag, and was just throwing it around, and now we have pyttipanna on the floor. Great! We would need a small vacum cleaner.

Friday evening

Yesterday was such a relaxing day. After my interval-middlebody raining (which was almost killing me after 5 minutes), I went to drink 2 ciders with equilibrium (an organization for economics), and then I came home and we had a lovely evening with Micke. Some choclate fondue, fruits and a good christmas movie (love actually).


I don't get it, not at all. I am reading an article about formerly abducted boys in norhtern Uganda, in other words about child soldiers, about those who have survived and got out of captivity. But the things the have gone true are just so, so horrible, that just reading aobut it makes me cry. How can anybody, and in this case, so many, many people be so inhuman, so horrible, so mean and bad, and make young boys and girls go trough so horrible things. I just don't get it. How can you be so mean? The boys told that they had to drink their urin, or lick the leaves in the morning when they were a bit wet, since there was no water. Many died of thirst. And this is just the part of normal survival. If they did not do what they were told, or could not keep up, they were killed. And they had to kill their families and friends. So, so horrible. This world is just fucked up.

fredag, oktober 3

Exciting for Milan

The happy news came true. I am going to Milan in November, for 1,5 days. Yeah. Never been to Italy. Excited. Yes!

Lovely seing Dagny and Lee. So nice to just be. Love it. And I feel like smiling at Micke agian. Lovely. Soon off to some interval and middle body training. I am going to get into shape, and tomoroow I won't be able to move.

torsdag, oktober 2

I am tired

I am both tired, and tired. Tired because of too little sleep, and tired of having disagreements with Micke every day. My tireness now is because of both these things. Sad but true. I hope that if I get it out of my system (inother words wiritng it out, not keeping it in) I can continue, without annoyence. Smart what?
There is a game called world of warcraft, and you can play it on internet with other people. It is the best game to keep people playing it, there are different levels, and when you reach the highest (can take months) you have to play to get better and get better things for your guy. The worst things of all is that you have to pay a monthly fee for playing it. So that means you just have to keep on playing if you once started. Smart people that invented it, but it won't help mine and Mickes situation, since he is quite hooked on that stupid, stupid game. I accpet him playing and understand that people have differnet hobbies, so that is not the problem.
The problem is that on Tuesday he played for 6 hours and came to bed at 2. Yesterday he palyed for 8 hours and came to bed at 1.30. And he sort of forgot me. And I think I should be more important than a game. He forgot to tell me goodnight, and he alwyas does that if I go earlier to bed, but not yesterday. So I woke up, when he came to bed at 1.30, and we had a big fight. Again. I would so liek to destroy that game, because it takes all his focus. He promised no to play for the whole next week, wonder how that will go.

But there are potentially some good news also, maybe. Involving a trip, but just maybe. And tonight I will see Dagny. Yey! So long since last time. She is also one of my bridesmaids... I think black will be their color. What doyou think about that?

onsdag, oktober 1


I had an interesting class yesterday, it was about the sex of the child (girl/boy) and how the child's life is determined by his/her sex. To get the society more equal, people should not raise their kids to be a boy or a girl, but to be a good person. Even before children are born, in Finland too, parents give their children a sex, and when they are born the most important to know is if it is a boy or girl. But does it matter? It's a baby, and should be raised as a child, not as a boy or a girl. So, if I some day get a child, I don't want to know the sex, because it does not matter. And if it is a son, it will be a son wearing pink, and a girl playing with whatever she wants.