tisdag, november 4

Greatest family in Ecuador or the world.

Lorena is such a great person. Lorena is my hostmom I had in Ecuador when I was 16. I love her and that family so much. She just called me. I am happy, happy. She, and Galo her husband, have 2 lovely children, Mari who is already 9 (she was 4-5 when I was there) and there new kid Tomas, already 2. Tomas is the reason why I consider wanting children, he is so, so cute. And Mari is just the sweetest. The family is just so great. Have visited them twice since my first 10 months with them, one whole summer and then last christmas. I miss them, it would be nice if they lived closer and the tickets wouldn't cost 1000 euros. They gave me so much, when they did not at all have to, and they have given me since. I will send them chocolate tomorrow, they love Finnish chocolate.

Lorena has 4 cellphones and I have one. Poor and rich countries. Read an article where it said that cellphones can be more common in developing countires than toilets.

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