måndag, november 3

Watch Disney - avoid winter depression!

It is dark, dark outside, and cold and the winter is coming. Uuuh. But I have things to look forward:

- Christmas - no classes, a lot of candles, good food
- First week of January - I ordered clothes from H&M today for 300 euros (inlcuding those for Micke) and they will arrive then.
- February - I meet Tinna again.
- 14.2 our wedding
- 16.2 the Maldives
And then spring is here and things get better.

But before that, in 2 weeks I should figure out what to wirte my bachelor thing about. And then write it.

Today me and Micke watched "Robots" the Disney movie or maybe it's Pixar, I don't really know how they work. But still. A lovely make you feel happy movie: You can shine no matter what you are made of! Believe in yourself, don't give up! I need these movies in these times. Yesterday we watshed Aladdin, my favorite movie of them all.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Ja ha beställt kläder för över 400euro... ups. Mn nu börjar ja bli lite orolig att ja måst betala nåt för att få ut dom ur posten. Händ så en gång när vi had beställt över en viss summa nä ja bodd hemma.