söndag, april 6

This weekend has this far been great. Have got nothing smart done, but a lot of unsmart things. I thought our wine and cheese evening was great. Except I drank a bit too much, and I felt it the whole Saturday. We just drank wine and in the end ciders and beer and ate cheese and talked and then we also played some poker. I did not win.

On Saturday we got Jigi for a visit since my mom went to Russia. I could not go to my body class since I was too hangover. Not smart. But we went with Pedu and Tanja to "spring fair" (kevätmessut). It was too chaotic and we did not find anything special, except some great swimming pools and jacuzzi. If I would be rich I would by one. In the evening we went to Pedu and Tanja to watch Mr Deeds and ate some pizza. Healthy.

Today we are listening to radio and Micke is playing games and I am doing some schoolworks, or trying to. Later we are going to Ingå for my cousins birthday coffee.

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