fredag, april 24


There is a reason I don't weight myself anymore (at home I mean). Somehow the weight defines more how I eat than what my body tells me, and if I have gained weight I feel sad and eat more, and if I lost weight I don't think as much as how I eat as before. (Getting confused, is weight the right word...)

Yesterday I wanted something acid, like water with lemon or just lemon, so what did I do? Yes buy acid candies, and ate the whole bag. If I would still have been thinking I had gained weight it would not have happened. But the candies were good. Went shopping and were just eating them.

One dress thing for 1 May (even good if I someday get a babystomach) and a long shirt (also good for big stomach, but normal so can wear it afterwards). Don't have time to show them since I have work today. Soon.

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