But now it's getting better. Worked Firday, Sunday, Tuesday and have had shoolworks to do and classes and all. I have been tired. The finnish clock turned one hour forward on Sunday morning at 3, so we lost one hour, that also made it more tireing. (nice word!)
But Saturady was great. Great, great! We bought Ahma. Ahma is our new washing machine, it's coming tomorrow. I think it's the most expensive thing me and Micke have bought together. We are so growing up. We also went for lunch to a resturant and I did not take maybe the most tastful thing, that would have been a burger, but I took a healthier soop. My healthy life is starting again.
After eating a lot of bad stuff on Thursday (and mine and Mickes clothes are getting smaller) we decided not to eat candy or choclate for a month. And if one of us does, that person has to do the dishes for a month. It's really motivating.
Another really fun thing we did on Saturday was just to chill. We were going home, but then we went to one cosy bar. I had some irish coffee, strawberrry ivanov, wine and a nachos plate (which we did not pay for since the waitress forgot to charge for it). We played chess, Micke won all the time and then some children's trivial pursuit. It was just so relaxing and a lot of. It gets so easily normal when you live together so it is good to do things outside the house together. On Firday we also played poker, and I did not loose.
1 kommentar:
Åhh, dt låter så mysigt. Ja måst flytta ti hesa så vi kan fara o hänga i nån bar o snacka skit o dricka vin :)
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