söndag, maj 3


So in other words, week 20, month 5. 147 days left! Talking about the pregnancy.

Have started to feel a bit more pregnant, my stomach is growing. Tought it would show well after week 16 (don't know where I got that from) and did not realize it is very individual, and for some you can't see they are pregnant even in week 25, for me you can probably see now if you know, otherwise you just think I am a bit overweight. Will put pictures when it is bigger.

My breasts have at least grown, they feel so heavy. Before I could take walks without a bra (bad at wearing one if I am just home, uncomfortable, so please, no suprise visits!) but now it does not feel good at all. And I am also quite tired and in quite bad shape. Have not felt any kicks yet, at least so that I would know it was one.

The baby should now weight around 250 grams and be around 22 cm long. It is crazy! Inside of me!?

We have still not bought any baby stuff, but I am, still, very excited to buy the baby's "car". (Someone know what "kärra" is in english?) and have now 3 posibilities but no of them is totally perfect, but almost. I (ööh, we) want one with 3 wheeles, and so that you can lock the wheel in the front, then you should be able to change the direction and the wheels should be big. Thinking of:
teutonia spirit s3,
quinny freestyle or
herqules raptor 3 spin.

Anyone reading this blog that knows anything about them?

I also subscribed to a finish baby magazine, vauva. It was cheap and then I will learn a lot. And not take all my ideas, especially on how to eat, from Internet. (That was a sarcastic comment to my mom who thinks I get my ideas only from Internet and no real source).

4 kommentarer:

Jill sa...

Engelska ordet för barnkärra e pram. Annars, du borde läsa Shopaholic and baby av Sophie Kinsella, om du läst nån bok i den serien. Skojig bok om allt man vill/borde köpa då man har baby i magen :D

Michaela sa...

Jättebra tips, har inga skolsaker att läsa mera, så ska börja läsa massa vanliga böcker!

Tack för engelska hjälpen, är så lat så skriver allt som jag inte vet på svenska...

Lee sa...

Jag har dn boken hos mig men ja tror dn e Emmas, mn du får säkert låna dn om du vill?

Michaela sa...

Jag vill!